- 1,5 cup of all purpose flour
- 1,5 teaspoon of salt
- 2 eggs
- 2 1/4 cup water
- 2 tablespoon cooking oil
- Mixing together the ingridients.
- Then fried them in square pan about 20 cm or about 9 inch, until the edge doesnt stick to the pan, flip the wrap in a baking paper, or oil absorb paper
- Heat the pan first before pouring the wrap liquid. no need to add oil in the pan
The Risoles filling number one :
- 10 piece of hotdog, cut into 3,5 x 1 cm cm or 1 1/4 inch length x 1/2 inch
- 10 piece cheese, cut as same as the hotdog
- 1 teaspoon of mayonaise in EACH wrap
The Risoles filling number Two :
- 3,5 ounces or two piece of carrot, cut in two small pieces, ar shreded
- 1 piece small onions (about 2-3 tablespoon chopped onions)
- a small stalk celery, cut into small pieces
- a piece of green onion cut into small pieces
- 0ne cup milk
- 3 tablespoon sugar
- 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
- 1/4 teaspoon of white pepper powder
- 1 tablespoon of margarine
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 2 tablespoon of fluor
- 10 piece of cut cheese
Heat up the margarine, fry the onion until fragrance. Add the caroot, cover until it soft . add in celery, green onion, salt, nutmeg, pepper, sugar, then add in fluor and milk. cooked until they come thickened
filled each wrap with the fiiling, then rolled- two eggs
- 1,5 cup bread crumbs
- Batter all the Risoles in egg and bread crumbs. If the egg are too thick....you might add a little bit of water or milk in.
- Let them stand an hour in the fridge
- Then deep fried them in hot cooking oil, until golden brown.
- Making about 20 pieces
Bahan Kulit :
- 150 gr terigu
- 1/2 sdt garam
- 400 ml air
- 2 sdm minyak
- Campur jadi satu bahan ini, aduk sampai kalis, dadar dalam wajan anti lengket berdiameter sekitar 20 cm. isi dengan bahan isianya
Bahan Isi Risoles No 1 :
- 10 buah sosis sapi, sekitar 30 cm
- 10 potong keju chedar, potong 3o cm x 1 cm
- 1 sdt mayonaise untuk SETIAP bungkus risolesnya.
Bahan isi Risoles no 2 :
- 100 gr wortel, potong dadu kecil
- 50 gr bawang bombay/ satu ukuran kecil
- 1 batang seledri, potong
- 1 batang daun bawang potong
- 250 ml susu
- 1/4 sdt pala
- 1/4 sdt merica
- 1 sdm margarin
- 3 sdm gula
- 2 sdm terigu
- 10 potong keju chedar 30 cm x1 cm
Panaskan margarin, tumis bawang bombay sampai harum...masukkan wortel, tutup sampai wortel empuk. Tambahkan seledri, daun bawang, gula, garam, lada, pala, terigu, aduk-aduk....tambahkan susu, masak sampai mengental. angkat. Keju di masukkan di tengah adonan, dalam tiap gulung risoles.
Bahan pelapis :
- 2 telur
- 150 gr tepung roti
- celupkan setiap risol yang sudah digulung dalam telur, bila telur terlalu kental bisa ditambahkan sedikit air atau susu. Lalu celupkan ke dalam tepung roti.
- Diamkan selama 1 jam di kulkas, agar tepung melekat sempurna
- Goreng dalam minyak panas sampai kuning kecoklatan
- Untuk sekitar 20 buah
- Sajikan selagi risolesnya hangat