Carrot and apple cake is...a very simple cake i've made. I use all ingridients i have left in the fridge....the the taste is good....especially serve with hot tea or coffee......wanna try ??!! :)
All we need :
250 gr all purpose flour
250 gr margarine
200 gr palm sugar
250 gr shreded carrot and apple
4 tbs raisins
4 eggs
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp cinnamon powder (optional)

Baking method :
prepare of two baking sheet, i used 4 x10 x 24 cm baking sheet, coating with margarine and flour
Shift flour, baking podwer and cinnamon, set aside
in a bowl mixing together palm sugar and margarine, until smooth enough about 3-5 minutes with medium speed.
4. while mixing, add the eggs and then the flour, mixed well
5. add the shreded carrot and apple and raisin

6. pour the dough in to baking sheet

7. bake about 40-45 minutes
Bahan :
Cara membuat
Siapkan 2 loyang brownies ukuran 4 x 10 x 24 cm, oles dengan margarin, lalu taburi dengan tepung...supaya kue tidak lengket
dalam wadah taruhlah margarin dan gula palem...lalu mixer sampai lembut sekitar 3-5 menit dengan kecepatan sedang
Sambil tetap di mixer masukkan telur, kocok, lalu masukan tepung, aduk sampai rata ...lalu tambahkan wortel dan apel parut serta kismis
tuang kedalam loyang, panggang selama 40 - 45 menit atau sampai matang.
Tandanya bahwa cake sudah matang yaitu bila ditusukkan lidi maka adonan sudah tidak lengket lagi.