- 2-3 tbs of dragon fruit
- 2-3 tbs of melon/cantaloupe/watermelon
- 2-3 piece canned lychee
- 2 tbs of green shreeded agar-agar
- 2 tbs of dice red agar-agar
- 2 tbs of dice cincau
- 2 tbs of white sweet condensed milk
- 2 tbs of simple syrup or red colored syrup
- crushed ice
Es Buah Campur
15 Maret 2010
Es Buah Campur or mixed fruits ice...is an art to mixing all various fruits you might have with simple syrup or colored syrup and sweet condensed milk...with crushed ice......in the es buah campur above all you need are :
for one serving :
Method :
Mixing all ingriendients above, and serve right away
for agar-agar i use the swallow globe brand, cooking according to the cooking direction in it's package. Reduces the water until 50 percent.
Udang Saus Mentega - Shrimp in Butter Sauce
When we were visited our uncle for belated chinese new year celebration.....he cooked the udang saus mentega for us...it's kind of easy and yummy seafood. And few days after that, i've tried to make that kind of style shrimps. I do not remove the shells from shrimps deliberately......so......we will have nice chat while we were unshell our shrimps on dinner time :)....The Main key is on the shrimps itself...so make sure to pick up only the FRESH ones.
- 300 gr fresh shrimps
- 2 cloves of garlic, crushed them
- 1 small onion, cut into thin slices
- 2 tbs margarine/butter
- 1,5 worchestershire sauce
- 1 tbs oyster sauce
- 2 tbs of salty soy sauce
- 2-3 tbs of sweet soy sauce
- 1/2 tsp pepper powder
Cooking Method :
- Heat margarin on wok,add shrimps, one at time, fry until they change colour.
- Add garlic, onion and all other sauce
- Cook for about 3-4 minutes
- Transfer the shrimps into the serving plates
- Serve with hot steam rice and any green stirfry veggies.
Tips :
No need adding some water...because the shrimps will pour out it's own water
Cah Kailan
11 Maret 2010
dalam Tumis...atau cah kailan ini aku lagi-lagi memanfaatkan sisa rebusan daging sapi......kalo anda termasuk vegetarian.....kuah dan daging sapi bisa dihilangkan....dan diganti misalnya dengan memakai kecap asin secukupnya
- 150 baby gr kailan, rebus sampai matang, tiriskan
- 2 siung bawang putih, keprak
- 150 gr kaldu dan daging sapi rebus
- garam, merica dan kaldu bubuk bila suka
- 1 sdm maizena
- 1 sdm margarin untuk menumis
Tumis bawang putih sampai harum...masukkan kaldu dan daging sapi yang telah direbus, sampai mendidih...tambahkan garam, merica. sesaat sebelum diangkat tambahkan maizena.....jangan lupa mencicipi dahulu sebelum diangkat
Penyajian :
didalam piring saji...tata kailan....kemudian siram dengan kuah sapi nya.....
hidangakan segera
Carrot and Apple Cake
Carrot and apple cake is...a very simple cake i've made. I use all ingridients i have left in the fridge....the the taste is good....especially serve with hot tea or coffee......wanna try ??!! :)
250 gr all purpose flour
250 gr margarine
200 gr palm sugar
250 gr shreded carrot and apple
4 tbs raisins
4 eggs
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp cinnamon powder (optional)
- prepare of two baking sheet, i used 4 x10 x 24 cm baking sheet, coating with margarine and flour
- Shift flour, baking podwer and cinnamon, set aside
- in a bowl mixing together palm sugar and margarine, until smooth enough about 3-5 minutes with medium speed.
4. while mixing, add the eggs and then the flour, mixed well
5. add the shreded carrot and apple and raisin
6. pour the dough in to baking sheet
7. bake about 40-45 minutes
- Carrot dan apple cake ini sangat simple membuatnya. Aku kebetulan punya bahan-bahan di kulkas yang harus segera di manfaatkan......ngak butuh banyak telur....ngak perlu proses yang ribet......dan rasanya ngak mengecewakan. Carrot dan apple cake ini punya tekstur yang sangat moist....jadi harus hari-hati waktu memotongnya....oya cake ini cocok untuk menemani kita minum kopi atau teh panas....cocok juga buat sarapan ....
Bahan :
- 250 gr terigu
- 250 gr margarine
- 200 gr pgula palem
- 250 gr apel dan wortel, parut kasar
- 4 sdm kismis
- 4 telur
- 1 sdt baking powder
- 1 sdt soda kue
- 1 sdt kayu manis bubuk
Cara membuat
- Siapkan 2 loyang brownies ukuran 4 x 10 x 24 cm, oles dengan margarin, lalu taburi dengan tepung...supaya kue tidak lengket
- dalam wadah taruhlah margarin dan gula palem...lalu mixer sampai lembut sekitar 3-5 menit dengan kecepatan sedang
- Sambil tetap di mixer masukkan telur, kocok, lalu masukan tepung, aduk sampai rata ...lalu tambahkan wortel dan apel parut serta kismis
- tuang kedalam loyang, panggang selama 40 - 45 menit atau sampai matang.
- Tandanya bahwa cake sudah matang yaitu bila ditusukkan lidi maka adonan sudah tidak lengket lagi.
ES Markisa Jeruk - Passion fruits Orange ice
03 Maret 2010
Es Markisa Jeruk
Serving each glass :
- 2 fresh mandarin orange, squeeze and took the water only
- 2-3 passion fruits, in a bowl squeeze the seed to separate them from it's water and then drain (add little bit water if needed)
- mixed, the orange water and passion fruit water, add sugar if needed and some crushed ice
Passion Fruits Halves
Mau buat minuman dari markisa.......coba-coba cari resep........jarang banget.......yang biasanya markisa di buat campuran es...atau dimakan begitu saja. Waktu ke gramed....sempat buka-buka buku masakan.....yang pas minuman......tapi karena yang lain kurang menarik aku ngak jadi beli....maka aku catat di kepala resep minumannya......heheheh................oya.......lagian pas imlek gini stok jeruk mandarin lagi berlimpah ruah........cuman jangan kebanyakan jeruknya karena markisanya bakal ngak berasa gitu :
Bahan Es Markisa Jeruk :
untuk 1 gelas :
- 2 jeruk mandarin, ambil airnya
- 2-3 markisa, belah, ambil isinya, lalu remas-remas hingga berarir, saring, siram sedikit dengan air, lalu saring lagi sampai bersih sari-sarinya/tandanya, sudah tidak berlendir lagi
- siapkan gelas...campurkan sari jeruk an sari markisa....kalo mau manis boleh tambahkan gula sedikit...dan es
- sajikan segera
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